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Critical Application Solution Experts®

Let us help identify problems and provide ongoing support to solve your critical applications.

Get a CASE Audit 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Don't replace equipment without solving the real problem.

We want you to understand what's wrong. With our guidance, you can develop solutions for problems that can stop your process.




Safety Issues





The Total Value of the CASE Services

The CASE services are about solving problems. By working closely with customers, we learn about the challenges they face in their facilities. This knowledge enables us to follow a scientific approach while developing instrument solutions for their applications, ensuring the one we deliver fully meets their needs. It also helps us support our customers if and when something fails.

If required, we provide instrument audits, which involve reviewing and analyzing existing temperature and pressure instruments. Once all instrumentation is reviewed and analyzed, we provide full documentation detailing each instrument’s current performance, potential problems, and appropriate solutions for optimal productivity and safety.

In addition to reviewing your application, identifying your instrument requirements and restrictions, and recommending products tailored to your needs, our Critical Application Solutions Experts services provide:

For customized testing, we recreate your process and process conditions in our CASE engineering lab to determine and/or verify product quality and performance.

Our CASE Services in Action

For over 170 years, Ashcroft has provided instrument solutions to customers across a wide range of industries. Explore some of our past projects to learn more about our solution capabilities and what the CASE services can do for you.

Case Study 1
Added Protection for Refinery's HF Alky Unit
Case Study 2
Minimized Extreme Effects for Gauges In Petrochemical Application

The customer: A refinery with a hydrofluoric acid (HF) alkylation unit—also referred to as an “HF Alky” unit. These units are used in petroleum refining operations to convert isobutane and alkenes (primarily propylene or butylene) into alkylate, which is used to make gasoline.

The problem: Hydrofluoric acid is hazardous and corrosive and, if accidentally released, can form a vapor cloud that causes severe reactions and possible fatalities.

The CASE diagnosis: After visiting the plant, reviewing the application, and performing on-site analysis of the gauge in use, Ashcroft recommended a gauge assembly with additional safety features for improved protection.

The CASE solution: The gauge assembly we recommended to the customer featured the ALD (Acid Leak Detection) system. Its key benefits include:

  • Tamper proof design with the gauge welded to the seal
  • Visual indication of leaking process media
  • Dual containment for safety

Let us help you identify the real problem

Image Talk to us

to discover what's impeding your process

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about the causes of equipment failure

Image Work with us

to make your facility safer and more efficient

Partner with Ashcroft's Critical Application Solution Experts

We understand it can be frustrating to spend so much time, money and effort keeping your process running. You don't want to replace equipment without solving the real problem. Ashcroft's Critical Application Solution Experts (CASE®) partner with customers to identify problems and provide ongoing support and solutions for their most critical applications. Let us help keep your process safe and efficient.

Request A Case Audit

Trust in the Ashcroft Experts

At Ashcroft, we are here to help you identify the right pressure and temperature instruments for your process operation. Learn more about our CASE solutions or discuss your critical application requirements with one of our experts. You can also request CASE on-site or virtual training, webinars, or lunch & learn programs. Fill out the form to get started.